Spring National High School Journalism Convention  •  April 4-6, 2024  • Kansas City, Missouri

Get involved

If you plan to attend the JEA/NSPA convention, consider getting involved by judging JEA Contests or critiquing yearbooks, newspapers, videos or magazines. 

Pick an area that interests you and contact us.


JEA contest judging

Help judge, moderate or score JEA contests. No experience necessary.

Most National Student Media Contests on-site categories compete from 4-6 p.m. Friday. Judging occurs at 6 p.m. Friday with most judges from most categories finished by 8:30 p.m. Some NSMC broadcast categories compete and are judged Friday morning. NSMC online categories are judged between March 11-28.

The National Journalism Quiz Bowl qualifying test takes place at 8 a.m. Friday with scoring to follow. The live finals take place from 8-10 a.m. Saturday.

Sign up to help with an online or on-site JEA contest.


NSPA on-site critiques 

If you are an experienced adviser, you can help with on-site critiques. You’ll receive copies of a newspaper, yearbook, magazine or video at the convention and meet with the staff of the publication to provide constructive criticism of its work. To help with critiques, email critiques@studentpress.org.

> To help with critiques, email critiques@studentpress.org.

Session speakers

Our conventions typically offer around 300 breakout sessions.

Teacher-advisers, professional journalists and students in editorial leadership positions are invited to submit a speaker proposal for the spring convention.

Speaker proposals are due by Jan. 15 for inclusion in the registration booklet but are accepted after the deadline.

Submit a proposal.

If you have any questions about getting involved at the fall convention, contact JEA Assistant Director Lindsay Porter, NHSJC@jea.org.

Complimentary registration

Advisers volunteering their time and expertise during the convention are eligible for complimentary registration.


Advisers may earn complimentary registration by meeting one of the following criteria:

Teaching TWO or more breakout sessions

Teaching one breakout sessions and assisting with one on-site contest or critique

Conducting at least FOUR on-site critiques

Moderating AND judging a JEA on-site contest

LEAD judge for JEA contests


Confirm your volunteer commitment and register Feb. 16 to receive complimentary registration. 

Local committee members and Outreach Academy participants also receive complimentary registration. 

In the case of multiple advisers from one school, only two fees will be waived without special permission from JEA and NSPA.